Good & Healthy Relationship Advice & Tips

How to catch crush’s attention
So, you have a crush, but you don't know how to get his attention. It's actually not that hard.
All that matters is a few easy ways to make yourself feel and seem better- not just to your crush, but to everyone around you.
These steps will not only help you with your crush, but people and life and relationships in general.
• Make an effort to look your best: Take the time to practice proper hygiene; shower often and do the necessary things that makes you look good.
For makeup, learn to apply it correctly. A bit of mascara, blush, and gloss is a good place to start, though you may add eyeliner, eyes shadow, or powders later. Try to keep the look fresh as opposed to overtly made up.
Wear what you like! Dress according to your mood and you'll always feel right.
• Be funny: Funny is one of the main attractive features you can have- funny is alluring. Funny means being comfortable with yourself and being willing to take risks and do what you like without caring what others think. Being funny and being conceited are very different things, so don't cross the line; avoid bragging, talking about yourself and your achievements often, or putting others down.
• Smile and laugh: A smile is one of the most inviting details that someone can display, and laughter is contagious and shows a fun side to a person, so do both often.
You're a great, happy, confident, and good looking person with a lot to offer the world, so smile, and feel free to laugh!
On the flip side, keep yourself in check.
Avoid laughing overly loudly; it's so obviously fake and a cheap way to try to appear fun and get attention.
Also, try to keep your smiles genuine, rather than fake, meaning, don't go around with a huge grin plastered across your face. Be real!
• Be open and direct: Making eye contact, turning towards someone when they're talking, and standing up straight are all ways of making yourself seem more bold and interested in a person.
Practice good body language and posture, and also practice speaking in a clear tone of voice.
These things will help you to get your message across when you like someone- namely, your crush!
• Don't change: Even if your crush isn't big on school, this doesn't mean you should drop out of all your honour's classes. Never, ever, ever, ever change for someone else- only change for yourself.
This includes all guys, because any guy worth your time will realise how awesome the real you is and not expect you to change one bit.