NANS launches campaign to mark Nigeria’s 63rd independence

NANS launches campaign to mark Nigeria’s 63rd independence

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS), Ghana Chapter has launched a campaign to mark Nigeria’s 63rd independence anniversary.


Dubbed: “Rethink Nigeria”, it is a six months social reorientation campaign targeted at rolling back the negative stereotypes towards the Nigerian students or community in Ghana and diaspora in general.

Speaking at the launch of the campaign in Accra last Sunday, the President of NANS, Sam Edem, said Nigerian students, like all others, are a diverse group with a wide range of motivations, aspirations, and contributions to the communities they are part of.

However, stereotypes about Nigerian students particularly when studying outside have developed over the years.

Hence, he said it is essential to challenge and deconstruct these stereotypes, recognising that individuals vary greatly and should not be judged based on preconceived notions.

“Nigerians have achieved success in various fields in Ghana and that demonstrates the positive impact of Nigerian students.

We have to embrace the opportunity of the education we have in Ghana and elsewhere, to make valuable investment in ourselves to give back to our countries beginning here in the diaspora,” he said.

Mr Edem explained that as part of the Nigeria @63 Independence anniversary, the Union decided to hold a National Development Summit for Nigerian, international and Local students/communities in Ghana. 

The National Development Summit, he said, is open to entertainment, networking, and opportunities for its targeted audience — The Nigerian, international and Local students.

“We have set out a series of events including a business boot camp for Nigeria students interested in business and entrepreneurship. People like you and I need to take responsibility for our development in various aspects,” he added.

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