Good & Healthy Relationship Advice & Tips

Yes buddy, you’re in love!
The general consensus is that falling in love happens gradually, over time. Instead of one glorious moment with violins in the background, you cross a series of hurdles together - and with each one, you become a little more sure.
How do you know when it’s love? You think you love her, but you’re just not sure… If you’re trying to figure out whether it's love you're feeling, here are eight signs that those three little words might just be in order.
• You're scared to death... of losing her, of keeping her, of never being with another woman... the list goes on and on. Are you ready for all these?
What if it crashes and burns like your last relationship? Wait, how did you let this happen again? Yet deep down, you know you’re going for it anyway.
• You'll do whatever it takes to impress her.: When you’re willing to bend your own rules, try new things, and go the extra mile for her - like running errands for her when you should be watching the game - cha