The Chief Fire Officer, Mr Albert Brown Gaisie, expressing his gratitude to Elkart Fire for the donation.

Elkart Fire supports Ghana National Fire Service

The Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) has taken delivery of firefighting and safety equipment from Elkart Fire, dealers in firefighting and safety equipment. 


The equipment, worth GH¢55,000, included firefighting delivery hoses, hand control branches and smoke detectors. The rest were Wellington boots and dry chemical powder fire extinguishers.


A statement signed by a Public Relations Officer of the GNFS, Mr Billy Anaglate, said Mr Ohene Mensah, Chief Executive Officer of Elkart, presented the items on behalf of the company to the GNFS.

Mr Mensah said the donation formed part of the company’s corporate social responsibility and was also a response to an appeal made by the Chief Fire Officer to fire-safety service providers to support the service.

Clear policies needed

 Mr Mensah further called for clear policies which would compel domestic dwellers to acquire fire-safety equipment such as smoke detectors and fire extinguishers to help deal with fires at their initial stages. He was optimistic that the move would help reduce damage to lives and property that resulted from uncontrolled fire outbreaks.

Chief Fire Officer

For his part, the Chief Fire Officer, Mr Albert Brown Gaisie, thanked Elkart Fire for the kind gesture, and appealed to other organisations to follow in their footsteps to assist the service to deliver on its mandate.

Mr Gaisie noted that the recent fire outbreaks in some senior high schools were mainly due to overaged electrical wiring according to the outcome of investigations conducted.

 He added that the issuance of fire permits was going through some restructuring to ensure that it was based on a detailed audit of the facility and its categorisation into low, middle and high-risk areas. 

 He stressed that fire safety was a shared responsibility and called on everyone to ensure fire outbreaks were brought under reasonable control. 


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