7 ways to transforming your image
Managing your image through grooming and etiquette are all linked with the goal of projecting the proper image of oneself to the outside world.
As clients, friends and associates become increasingly demanding of better service, looks and manners, it becomes imperative that individuals work to create the right image of themselves and earn the respect they deserve.
Grooming deals with issues relating to the overall physical image presented by an individual or a group of staff in an organisation.
image presented can either enhance the perceived impression of that person or create a negative impression.
Grooming equally covers a wide range of subject matters including choice of clothes, suits, accessories, hair styles, make-up, colour, styles and cuts of business suits and clothes among others.
These are all geared towards enhancing one’s physical image. As we are all aware, “we’ll never get a second chance to create a lasting first impression”.
Etiquette on the other hand relates to display of conduct, behaviour and mannerisms which are crucial to managing one’s business and social image.
They range from displaying good manners in a business and social environment to being able to communicate clearly and be understood by another party albeit in a formal and informal setting.
There is therefore the need to master your table manners, business etiquette and social skills. Manners go a long way in making a person attractive and inviting.
Now it therefore becomes extremely important to ensure that the right manners are on display at all times. Business etiquette handles all that aspect and more.
Personal grooming etiquette
Kobadem is organising a day training on grooming and etiquette. Topics will include: Choosing the right dress code, personal hygiene, colour combinations, Body shape analysis, Business etiquette and body language, table manners, Unconscious mannerisms, Personal branding, Skin care, Make – up application techniques and many more.
So come learn the seven steps to improving your image. You can attend, send in your staff or nominate a friend or colleague, free savings and investment account for the first 25 registered participants.
0307034349, 0240540005, 0206471765, or visit www.kobadem.com/facebook.
The Writer is a Certified Image Consultant
She provides Corporate & Personal
Training on Grooming and Business Etiquette
She also runs KOBADEM Boutique and
Kobadem training centre
Email- kobademgrooming@gmail.com, www.kobadem.com