Motorists must respect zebra crossing
I recall my primary school days where I was taught to look left, right and left again before crossing a road. I was also taught that the safest point for pedestrians to cross a road is at the designated point called the zebra crossing.
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a zebra crossing is a crosswalk marked by a series of broad white stripes to indicate a crossing point at where pedestrians have the right of way.
This means it is a place designed for people to cross roads safely. However, the speed at which some drivers approach zebra crossings is so frightening that people are still at risk to attempt crossing.
Though the acceptable practice is that the vehicle should stop as soon as a pedestrian sets foot on the crossing, most motorists flaunt this rule with impunity. By so doing, pedestrians are left by the roadside for minutes on end while motorists gleefully speed past them. It beats one’s imagination why motorists, especially commercial drivers are so unwilling to sacrifice a few minutes for their fellow citizens to cross roads.
Even if the drivers and motorists can use the excuse of not seeing the zebra markings ahead because the markings are faded or there are no warning signs, I believe they cannot pretend not to see their fellow citizens standing by the roadside and finding it difficult to cross the road.
Sometimes, pedestrians have to virtually plead with drivers to stop for them to cross busy roads, and even when they do stop, they either keep moving slowly or blowing their horns for pedestrians to hurry up.
No doubt the total disregard for other road users is forcing pedestrians to cross busy roads wherever they find convenient and in the process, some of them are knocked down by vehicles and maimed or lose their lives prematurely.
I wish drivers will learn the courtesy of stopping at zebra crossing when pedestrians are available there.
It will also be convenient if traffic lights are provided at vantage points to make it possible for people to cross . Policemen can also help people, especially children, to cross roads safely.