Remembering Komla Dumor
Komla Dumor certainly meant many things to many people. But one thing that stands out is the manner in which he encouraged and inspired probably millions of people not only through his life experiences which he shared often but the excellence and confidence he exuded on the world stage.
In the global scheme of things, he represented the best of not only Ghana but Africa at large.
Until his sudden death, he was the face of Ghana on the global stage. He sold Ghana everywhere he went and gave a good account of himself.
At the risk of being accused of exaggeration, he can be described as one of the most prominent and outstanding Ghanaians we have had since Kwame Nkrumah.
He was not a politician. He was simply a passionate and decisive individual who went about his affairs with conviction and thoroughness. His passing is a great tragedy for the world.
In this piece, I would discuss some of his thoughts and ideas which were not necessarily meant for a politics column but upon further reflection has lots of significance for our politics.
The first lesson worthy of sharing is that one does not need to become a politician in order to make an impact. There is no doubt that one of the reasons why the stake in politics is so high is that many people erroneously believe that is where an impact can be made.
Of course what happens in the administration of the state matters a lot; but what happens in other sectors and areas of the economy are equally crucial.
He chose to be a broadcaster and excelled without question. He chose to pursue causes that were crucial and of significance not only for him but for the country at large- and he excelled.
His excellence has earned him, even in death not only the admiration of many men and women across the globe. It has earned him a huge dose of influence even in his death. And this should equally remind us that we need not necessarily be on the political wagon to be men and women of influence.
When we begin to appreciate that politics is not all there is to the life of a nation, we would also begin to turn our attention and hopefully resources to those startup ventures and exploits of others in diverse spheres of the society and economy. They are equally important.
Another lesson which can readily be drawn from the life and works of Komla Dumor is his belief in the fact that irrespective of race, upbringing and geographical positioning, it was still possible for Africans and by extension African states to make their mark on the world stage.
There is one interview he had with KSM on his “Thank God Its Friday” show which made a deep impression on me. His contract with the Focus on Africa team had run out and he had just been given the opportunity to be part of the World Today team.
KSM ,therefore, asked him whether he was the only African who had been given such an opportunity to be on such a platform. His answer was astonishing.
He told the host he had not bothered to check that out. What mattered most for him was the opportunity given to him. He cared less about whether he was the first African or not.
In his view, Ghanaians were world beaters and he was out there on the global stage to make his mark not only for himself but for his nation as well. His geography, race and other impediments did not matter. He soldiered on.
In a country where we find it convenient to rationalise all the things that do not go on well (and further find it convenient to engage in comparative analysis with neighbouring countries who are not doing so well), his life and achievement should serve as a sterling reminder to many that as a nation, there is more expected of us by the generation yet unborn than we can ever imagine.
It is not enough to be the first and best manufacturing company in the country- manufacturers should aim to be global brands. It is not enough to be the first to achieve this or that. Individuals, firms, companies and even nations should strive not only to be at their best but also seek to make their mark on the global stage.
There is a lot more that could be said of such an outstanding personality. I can only wish he had lived for much longer- that is not possible. But the bottom line is that he served his nation well.
He broke many barriers. He made it possible for many to see beyond the narrow confines of their geographical boundaries.
He was a “world beater”. There is no dispute about that!