Stephen Ntim appointed Board Chair of National Petroleum Authority

Stephen Ntim appointed Board Chair of National Petroleum Authority

The National Chairman of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), Stephen Ayesu Ntim, has been appointed as the board chairman of the National Petroleum Authority (NPA).


Mr. Ntim succeeds Mr. Joe Addo-Yobo, who has held the position since 2017. 

The appointment was formalised on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at a ceremony at the Ministry of Energy.

The swearing-in was conducted by the Minister of Energy, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh.

In a Facebook post, Dr. Prempeh expressed his confidence in Mr. Ntim's leadership abilities.

"National Chairman of my beloved New Patriotic Party, Mr. Ntim is not new to leadership and therefore, I have no doubt that, he has what it takes to steer the NPA achieve its objectives for the benefit of all Ghanaians." he wrote.

Dr. Prempeh also urged the new chairman to prioritise strengthening regulatory frameworks, enhancing operational efficiencies, and ensuring that the NPA operates with the highest standards of integrity and accountability.

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Read the entire post below;

Today, 21st May, 2024, I swore into office, newly appointed Board Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Petroleum Authority (NPA), Mr. Stephen Ayesu Ntim

I charged the new chairman of the downstream regulator to focus on key priorities; strengthening regulatory frameworks, enhancing operational efficiencies, and ensuring that the NPA operates with the highest standards of integrity and accountability.

National Chairman of my beloved New Patriotic Party, Mr. Ntim is not new to leadership and therefore, I have no doubt that, he has what it takes to steer the NPA achieve its objectives for the benefit of all Ghanaians.

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