The Mirror Lifestyle Content


Widows go hungry -In observance of rites

The ordeal some widows go through in certain Ghanaian communities persists despite the crusade against the practice by civil society organisations and religious institutions.

Women urged to take active roles in Artificial Intelligence

Stakeholders at African Women in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Summit have called on African women to increase their presence and inclusion in the field of AI.

Five best places to explore on University of Cape Coast campus
Five best places to explore on University of Cape Coast campus

Five best places to explore on University of Cape Coast campus

The University of Cape Coast (UCC) is located in the historic town of Cape Coast. It sits quietly overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and is rarely credited with its remarkable tourist attractions.

I cried throughout my wife’s cancer treatment - Ibrahim Oppong Kwarteng [VIDEO]
I cried throughout my wife’s cancer treatment - Ibrahim Oppong Kwarteng [VIDEO]

I cried throughout my wife’s cancer treatment - Ibrahim Oppong Kwarteng [VIDEO]

On Thursday, October 6, 2022, journalist and philanthropist Ibrahim Oppong Kwarteng inaugurated the Meena Breast Cancer Awareness Project in memory of his late wife who passed in June this year.

Ms Sandra Amoah( left) and Ms Cindy Amoah
Ms Sandra Amoah( left) and Ms Cindy Amoah

Urban Twins: A duo passionate about art

Twins often share an intense bond. For Sandra and Cindy Amoah, an unparalleled passion for art further strengthens this bond aside from their matching outfits and accessories and identical looks. 

Drinking two to three cups of coffee a day linked to a longer life
Drinking two to three cups of coffee a day linked to a longer life

Drinking two to three cups of coffee a day linked to a longer life

Drinking two to three cups of coffee a day could be linked to longer lifes.

The Bible says those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did.

Become Christ-like to live Christ-like

Conversations are many on how relevant the churches are in their communities and in society in general today. The churches have the numbers on their side but is the lifestyle of church members serving as salt and light in our communities and nation?

4 Lessons parenting has taught me

When we feel entitled to a thing, we assume we deserve it. Whatever we deserve, we are not grateful for. After all, it is our right to have such. An entitled attitude, thus, takes away our sense of gratitude.

The best support for girls is the one that helps them to take ownership of their menstruation,

Rectifying menstrual poverty through educational approach

As laudable as the idea of setting a day aside annually to raise awareness of pertinent issues across communities, it dampens the heart that attention wanes after the day and everybody goes back to the routine. 

Are you a believer, and on a very intentional spiritual formation journey of true discipleship?

What gives us better success in things we do?

We all like to achieve peak performance at work and make good progress. We delight to see tasks given us done well. But the experience of good harvest and poor harvest at work is a common thing.

Afro Cruise Jam revellers set off
Afro Cruise Jam revellers set off

Afro Cruise Jam revellers set off

More than 30 Ghanaians taking part in the maiden edition of “Afro Cruise Jam” on Celestyal Olympia, a luxurious cruise ship left Accra today (Wednesday, September 7, 2022).

The shuttle has four stopping points before arriving at the final destination.

Business picks up along Accra Railway line following resumption of services

Business has picked up at the Accra Railway line following the resumption of rail services after a two-year closure.

What makes us impure in God’s eyes?

It is important to live pure and please God; and enjoy the mercies and blessings He bestows on those who seek to live pure lifestyles of godliness and integrity.

The ant can lift weights over twenty times its own weight

11 Lessons ants taught me

Ants are geniuses. No wonder the Bible asked that the lazy man consulted them on how to become wise with regard to saving for the future. Courtesy my background in Biochemistry, trust me, I have come to realise there are a lot of fascinating facts about ants most of us have very little knowledge about. And… These facts very much relate to life, especially marriage. I have learnt loads of lessons from the ant. Let me share a few with you.

ECG takes me to court for illegal connection

Dear Mirror Lawyer, I am a Class Two teacher in the Ejisu Local Authority Primary School in the Ashanti Region. I recently moved to Ejisu after being appointed as a teacher there.

The Mirror: Patterns that speak (Video)

A public toilet facility
A public toilet facility

More people invest in public toilet, bathhouse business

Operators of public toilets and bathhouses in Accra are cashing in on the unavailability of toilet facilities, particularly in slum communities, markets and lorry stations.

Acting MUSIGA President, Bessa Simons (standing fourth from left), with resource persons and some MUSIGA members at the seminar
Acting MUSIGA President, Bessa Simons (standing fourth from left), with resource persons and some MUSIGA members at the seminar

Musicians urged to use data effectively

Musicians have been advised to make maximum use of data available to them in terms of where their listeners are in the world, when they listen to music and how they search for new acts and new music.

Who is the real enemy?

What is the big challenge we are going through in our nation? What is the context of the big challenge we face? Are we able to identify the real enemy?

A scene from the play
A scene from the play

German theatre production to tour Ghana

Cactus Young Theatre (Germany) in collaboration with Tete Adehyeman Theatre (Ghana) will from Monday August 29, 2022 begin a seven-week tour of Ghana with a duet theatre piece titled “Belonging”.

A man should not abuse his spouse or children under no circumstance.

3 Errors today’s fathers must not repeat

There are great fathers who have laid down their lives to make their children who they are today. However, there are equally bad ones whose children’s potential could never be a reality because they were never there for them.

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