Mbadugu Fuseini Abukari (right) receiving the cheque on behalf of the Ya-Na from Maxwell Kotoka, Corporate Affairs Manager of NEDCo
Mbadugu Fuseini Abukari (right) receiving the cheque on behalf of the Ya-Na from Maxwell Kotoka, Corporate Affairs Manager of NEDCo

NEDCo, VRA donate to Dagbon Devt Fund

The Northern Electricity Distribution Company Limited (NEDCo) and the Volta River Authority (VRA) have donated GH¢100,000 to the Dagbon Development Fund to support the construction of a new Gbewah development project in Yendi in the Northern Region.


The Corporate Communications Manager of NEDCo, Maxwell Kotoka, presented the cheque to the Overlord of Dagbon, Ya-Na Abukari II, at the Gbewah Palace in Yendi.
He said the donation was in response to calls on corporate organisations to support the initiative of the Ya-Na.

Mr Kotoka said the Overlord had always supported the organisation in its revenue mobilisation drive in the area, and, therefore, expressed appreciation to him.

Payment of bills

On payment of bills, the manager said that it was important for customers to always settle their bills promptly to enable NEDCo to extend and sustain the distribution of power to unserved communities in the area.

He said the second phase of the revenue mobilisation exercise which started on June 15, 2023, in the region was ongoing.

The manager further entreated customers to use power wisely and also desist from illegal connection of electricity to their homes and establishments.

He reminded the people that it was also an offence for anyone to tamper with their meters.


The Ya-Na expressed appreciation to the benefactors for the support.

On the revenue mobilisation exercise, he advised the people to always pay their bills promptly and not to involve themselves in acts that infringed on the law.

The Overlord, however, urged the power distributors to report recalcitrant customers to chiefs in communities where they carried out such exercises to help them recover their money, including other difficulties they might encounter during the exercise.

He also suggested that they could enter into agreement with customers to pay their debt in instalments over a period of time.

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