The Webinar Literary Hangout begins with a review of Lade Wosornu’s “The Unattached”
The month of May is National Teenage Pregnancy Prevention month. In light of this the maiden edition of a webinar read & converse event dubbed, “The Webinar Literary Hangout” by Read Ghana Read Consult and supporters is dedicated to reading and discussing Prof. Lade Wosornu’s “The Unattached” a playlet which focuses on Teenage Pregnancy prevention.
The maiden edition of the event scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 4:00pm is designed to host reading of some scenes from the book by students from English department of the University of Ghana and UNIMAC, a review and conversation about the book by resource persons Nana Yaa Yeboaa (Midwife Nurse in Canada/author/poet); Dr (Med) Juventius Arthur (Specialist Obstetrician and Gynecologist); Auntie Nyaniba* is one of the famous media personalities from Cape Coast; currently the host of “Between Hours” on Asaase 100.3 Cape coast and a Social Worker with the Department of Social Welfare and Melody Esiawonam Boateng (National Professional Officer, Natural Sciences Sector, UNESCO Office in Accra) and then interaction with the playwright, Prof. Lade Wosornu.
Addy kehinde Hussanat, a Girl child advocate, Sex therapist and counselor will be the moderator for the event.
The Webinar Literary Hangout is a zoom event (meeting ID: 994 255 4377; passcode: D3JQty) and participation is free.