Approach BECE with seriousness - GNAT advises candidates
The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) has called on candidates writing this year's Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) to approach the papers with seriousness.
It said the examination was the students’ first step to achieving success in their educational endeavour in particular and life in general and therefore, they need not joke with it.
"You have gone through all odds over the past nine years with such resilience. We, therefore, trust you are now embarking on the crucial journey to higher education with the can-do spirit," it said in a statement signed by its General Secretary, Thomas Musah.
It said the candidates must enter the examination room with confidence, justify all the time and investments made in them and make Ghana, their teachers, parents and all other stakeholders proud by coming out of the exam with flying colours.
"We are confident you will do just that! We urge you to observe all the rules and regulations governing the examination, read and understand all instructions before starting the paper(s) and as much as possible, only rely on your ability and not the person sitting next to you and surely, victory will be yours," it said.
It encouraged all candidates not to indulge in examination malpractices and to save themselves from all unforeseen embarrassment, trauma and anxiety “and believe this time round, the West African examinations Council will be vigilant and ensure a hitch-free examination.”
The statement was hopeful that invigilators would not condone malpractices and also make the examination hitch-free, adding that "Ghana looks up to you to bear its torch of progress and prosperity.
You, therefore, need not fail her. Your parents, siblings and the larger society all look up to you, so you need not disappoint them. "The future is yours so take advantage of the BECE and carve a niche for yourselves," it said.
The statement said GNAT had confidence in all the candidates and wished them all the best. "May all your efforts be crowned with success. We look forward to welcoming you to the arena of higher education soon. God bless you and best of luck to you all," it emphasized.