Re: UPSA honours Francis Dadzie
I write to you on behalf of the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) in response to the recent publication associating our university with an award given to Mr Francis Dadzie by Classic Awards.
While we appreciate the recognition of our Global Alumni President, we would like to clarify that the university is not affiliated with Classic Awards nor do we have any knowledge of their criteria or processes for awarding individuals.
It has come to our attention that the said publication has been circulated through your medium and it is misleading our university community and our stakeholders in general. We request that the attached publication is retracted and a publication done to reflect a true representation of what actually transpired, indicating specifically that the Classic Award has no affiliation with the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA).
That Classic Awards does not represent UPSA in any way and, therefore, any publications or references implying a formal relationship between UPSA and Classic Awards be amended to reflect the accurate nature of our non-association.
This will help prevent any further misrepresentation and ensure the integrity of our institutional reputation. We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and your understanding of the importance of maintaining the clarity and accuracy of public information regarding our institution.
Lorraine B. Gyan,