Use pulpit to encourage members to vote - Rev. Owusu urges pastors
The International Mission Director of the Dispensational Gospel Church, Rev. John Owusu, has urged men of God not to turn their pulpits into political platforms and campaign for certain parties in this election year.
He said as men of God, pastors must encourage their members to exercise their franchise by voting.
“This is an election year but ensure that you do not use your pulpits to do New Patriotic Party (NPP) and National Democratic Congress (NDC) politics. Don't tell your members that vote this way or do this," he said, adding “you must ensure that you speak the truth that is required of you."
Rev. Owusu said pastors should use the pulpits to proclaim the word of God, encourage the congregants, bring about the renewal of mindset, among others.
He was speaking at the ordination and induction service for five pastors and a deacon at the Dispensational Gospel Mission-Ghana in Accra last Sunday. The five were elevated from pastors to reverend ministers, while the deacon was elevated to pastor position.
The inductees were Rev. Asante Botwe, Rev. Foster Gyamera, Rev. Sampson Ofori Kontoh, Rev. Samuel Appiah-Danso and Rev. Joseph K. Tuffour. Pastor Enoch Ntirakwa Asante was ordained into the pastorate of the DGM.
Rev. Owusu told the inductees and the pastor that it was refreshing and a blessing to see the zeal with which they had accepted to be part of the labourers for the progress of the work of God.
He also asked them to be humble as acts of pride and arrogance could destroy the churches they were heading. Rev. Owusu reminded them that as shepherds leading the flock, they must be mindful of monetary issues.
He said they should not use their pulpits to cast insinuations at people. “I charge you to know the truth. As Paul instructed Timothy, be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth,” he said.