Today, one thing that comes very handy in every area of our lives and human development is the Internet. We use it for different purposes depending on our requirements. In communication, research, education, financial transaction among others, Internet makes things easier and saves us a lot of time. No wonder each day, over two billion out of the world population of 6.76 billion use the Internet.
Good & Healthy Relationship Advice & Tips
Connecting with people romantically, emotionally, and physically is really amazing. But there's a lot of work that goes into building a good relationship. What are some tips for having a great relationship? How do you know if your relationship is healthy? How can I make my relationship better? This page has some great articles and stories about relationships.
“I don’t know what went wrong. Our relationship was headed in a positive direction and then—wham!—it all fell apart.” Sound familiar?
Breaking up is one of the hardest things in the world. You spent so much time, love and effort on someone and to have them be gone is as bad as withdrawing from a drug.
1. Your body is perfect. All my life I’ve thought I was fat. But when I look at photos now of myself in my 20s, I see a lovely young woman with enviable natural C-cup breasts; a firm, tight butt; and skin and muscle tone no expensive potions can preserve.