Empowering persons with disabilities: A call to action for inclusive governance
December 3 marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), a day dedicated to promoting the rights and well-being of PWDs worldwide.
This year's theme: "Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future," highlights the crucial role they play in creating a more inclusive and sustainable world.
In Ghana, the theme takes on added significance as the country prepares for a general election. It is an opportunity for political parties to demonstrate their commitment to inclusiveness by ensuring PWDs are fully represented in the decision-making process.
By involving them in governance, we can tap into their unique perspectives and experiences, leading to more informed and effective decision-making.
Ghana has made significant progress in promoting the inclusion of PWDs in decision-making. The country ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2012, demonstrating its commitment to promoting the rights of PWDs.
The Disability Act, 2006 (Act 715) provides a framework for promoting the inclusion of PWDs in all aspects of society, including decision-making.
Also, the National Council on Persons with Disability has been established. The Council is responsible for promoting the inclusion of PWDs in the decision-making process and ensuring that their needs and concerns are addressed.
Despite this progress, challenges persist, including PWDs being underrepresented in decision-making positions such as in parliament and government institutions.
There is also the lack of disability-friendly infrastructure as many public buildings, including government institutions, remain inaccessible to PWDs.
Moreover, there is a challenge of limited capacity. The sad truth is that PWDs often lack the capacity and resources to participate fully in the decision-making process.
For too long, PWDs have faced societal stereotypes and stigmatisation, which have limited their opportunities to participate in governance.
However, recent appointments of Dr Henry Seidu Daanaa and Joshua Makubu to key positions demonstrate that disability is not inability. These trailblazers have shown that PWDs can excel in various roles, given the opportunity.
The time for inclusive governance is now. The Daily Graphic believes that the time has come for deliberate action to be taken to appoint PWDs to various roles in the government. This is not just a matter of inclusivity, but also a recognition of the valuable contributions they can make to governance.
The Affirmative Action Law, now in place, provides a framework for promoting inclusiveness. We urge the government and political parties to seize this opportunity to empower PWDs and ensure their full participation in governance.
We don’t need to leave anyone behind. The inclusion of PWDs in leadership roles and governance is not only a matter of social justice but also a key component of achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
By recognising disability as an issue that cuts across all SDGs, we can work towards a more inclusive and sustainable future for all.
As Ghana moves forward, we must leave no one behind. Empowering persons with disabilities is crucial to unlocking their potential and promoting inclusive governance.
We must work together to break down barriers and stereotypes and create opportunities for PWDs to participate fully in the decision-making process.
Including PWDs in decision-making at the national level is essential for promoting inclusive governance, social justice and human rights. Ghana has made progress in promoting the inclusion of PWDs but challenges persist.
To address these challenges, it is imperative to implement strategies that promote accessible infrastructure, inclusive communication, capacity-building and partnerships. By working together, we can ensure that PWDs are fully represented in decision-making and that their needs and concerns are addressed.