Dear Mirror Lawyer, In many countries facilities exist for the citizens to purchase property through credit facilities spread between 15 and 30 years.
Scholars, thinkers and leaders in society are mostly involved in deep thinking because they have to address the diverse problems of society on constant basis.
We are to obey God’s word. Reading God’s word daily and listening to God’s word preached regularly in church or occasionally on radio and television without obeying it or applying it to our lives is not profitable.
An ankle sprain is where one or more of the ligaments - tough bands of tissue that help connect or join bones - of the ankle are partially or completely torn.
Appropriate exercise and suitable physical activities performed under the guidance of medical, health, and exercise professionals should be recognized and prescribed as a “medicine” and should be included by healthcare providers in the standard menu of options for the prevention, treatment, and management of certain diseases, health experts said at a forum last month.
A scientist and cancer patient who cut dairy products from her diet nearly 20 years ago claims doing so has helped her beat the disease.
Amassing wealth without a trust fund is no easy feat. There isn't a magic recipe for making millions, but certain ingredients can help.
As you should know by now, any normal interview will usually end with the interviewer asking if you have any questions for them. We’ve already covered what you should ask at this point, so we thought it was time to cover what you definitely shouldn’t ask.
This week, I have been forced yet again to go back to what William Shakespeare, the celebrated writer, wrote in Coriolanus years back.
A poor set of curtains may not just mean you wake up too early - they could also make you fat.
A new hairdo, walking in heels and glowing tan are among the things that make a woman feel sexy.
“No one can teach, if by teaching we mean the transmission of knowledge, in any mechanical fashion, from one person to another. The most that can be done is that one person who is more knowledgeable than another can, by asking a series of questions, stimulate the other to think, and so cause him to learn for himself.”- Socrates, 5th century BC
Career advice. It’s everywhere. But is it always worth following? It’s hard to decide what nuggets of wisdom really work for you and which simply don’t apply to your career goals and situation.
Exotic food is part of the global travel experience.
Have you noticed there are people who always seem to be more likable?
The tragic story of Elliot Rodger and his misogynistic path to murder in Santa Barbara should compel us to have a truthful conversation about sex ed and intimacy with our teens. It's time.
Obesity is imposing an increasingly heavy burden on the world's population in rich and poor nations alike, with almost 30 percent of people globally now either obese or overweight - a staggering 2.1 billion in all, researchers said on Wednesday.
Let's be honest: There are just certain people we love to hate.Our bitchy boss, our monster-in-law, our boyfriend's unfairly fit former flame.
It is very true that you can have v**ina infection without having any form of s*xual intercourse! The v**ina has a normal population of microorganisms called ‘normal flora’, which maintains its normal functioning and health.
We need more friends who see the value in staying true to the promise made in this specific commitment. Who understand the amount of effort required and who can support us as well as be completely honest with us, especially when we’re wrong.
When hiring, promoting, even just putting together your team, you should look for the smartest people in the room, right? Not so fast.